Pink Floyd Release Dark Side of the Moon | This Week in Music History

On March 1st, 1973, one of the biggest albums of all time made its debut, Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon. Roger Waters, Nick Mason, David Gilmour, and Richard Wright recorded the album at Abbey Road studios, broke record sales and launched Pink Floyd into international super stardom. With over 45 million copies sold, we're going to bet that you own a copy, so put it on and celebrate the album's anniversary!

Has anyone seen Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon live? Tell us in the comments!

Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon Full Album, Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon Wizard of Oz
#PinkFloyd #DarkSideofTheMoon #ThisWeekinMusicHistory #DavidGilmour #SydBarrett #RogerWaters #RichardWright #NickMason

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