How Elton John Conquered the 70s | A Year in Music: 1975
The year 1975 was plagued with political failures and an economic crisis, leaving Americans desperate for an escape. Luckily, this is where the music stepped in. One of the artists that helped to lighten the mood was Elton John. He released two albums during the year, as well as his Greatest Hits album. This album became the year’s bestseller, even though it wasn’t released until November. Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy became the very first album EVER to make its debut at #1 and just five months later, Rock of the Westies made its debut also at #1. Get a look into how Elton dominated 1975 in this sneak peek above, then set your DVR for the full episode of A Year in Music this SUNDAY at 9/8c on AXS TV!