Rockers Get the Vaccine | Music High 5
Ozzy Osbourne, Paul Stanley, Alice Cooper, Willie Nelson, and Loretta Lynn are among some of the musicians lining up for the COVID-19 vaccine. Learn more and get all your #MusicNews with Music High 5.
Also in your music news… we sit down with the Black Crowes to talk about the 20th anniversary of their debut album, Moriah Formica of the all female rock band Plush tells all about their new single, a new Notorious B.I.G. doc is coming to Netflix, and we take a look at an adorable drumming baby.
#OzzyOsbourne #MusicHigh5 #MusicNews #AliceCooper #PaulStanley #WillieNelson #BlackCrowes #MoriahFormica #NotoriousBIG
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